Welcome to thots by Kaav, a naked round up of things I do, learn and feel in a week. It gets nasty, nerdy and noisy - mostly, respectively.
Expect startups, poetry, politics, philosophy, pop culture, money, adulting, careers, lifestyle and the unexpected, in this weekly rave of my thots.
Happy lurking in my brain, mind the slime!
1about thots:
contributor is a 22 y/o brown woman. Usually 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘳𝘬𝘺 and mostly astonished, writer is not a writer at all actually. Half internet, half woman, writer likes to share stuff - like her readings and music and experiences and movies - ah no, writer doesn’t watch movies at all actually. Writer is startup gal, low -key only. She reads finance, community, growth, hacks and shiz. Writer is learning; still, always. Irrelevant but writer hates instagram now. and reels. yes please @her, by all means, but do it after you subscribe x
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